Khalidullina Oksana Yurevna
MD, PhD, Pediatrician of the highest category, Pediatric Cardiologist of the highest category, Pediatric Rheumatologist of the first category of the Children's Outpatient Department
MD, PhD, Cardiologist of the highest category, Senior Scientific Researcher of the Department of Surgical Treatment of Complex Heart Rhythm Disturbances and Pacing #2 of Tyumen Cardiology Research Center, Tomsk National Research Medical Center, Russian Academy of Sciences
Khorkova Natalia Yurevna
MD, PhD, Cardiologist of the highest category, Senior Scientific Researcher of the Department of Surgical Treatment of Complex Heart Rhythm Disturbances of Scientific Division оf Instrumental Research Methods, Head of the Department of Surgical Treatment of Complex Heart Rhythm Disturbances and Pacing #2, Associate Professor of Training & Methodological Department
MD, PhD, Cardiologist of the highest category, Senior Scientific Researcher of the Laboratory of Epidemiology and Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases
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