Адреса и телефон

VI Congress of Cardiologists of Siberian Federal District «Translational Cardiology Is a Way to Progress!»

VI Congress of Cardiologists of Siberian Federal District «Translational Cardiology Is a Way to Progress!»
  • Date
    24 - 26 June 2015
  • Location
    Tomsk, Russia
The event was held


Within 24-26 of June the VI Congress of Cardiologists of Siberian Federal District «Translational Cardiology Is a Way to Progress!» was held in Tomsk. This is one of the global events in cardiology which takes place every two years and gathers cardiologists from Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, Barnaul and other cities.
At the conference E. Akimova, MD, Head of Laboratory of Epidemiology and Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases
 in Tyumen Cardiology Center, delivered an oral and 4 poster presentations. «My study was devoted to
 interconnection of depression, coronary artery disease and metabolic syndrome. This is a sensitive subject - Dr Akimova said. - As per World Health Organization (WHO) depression will take the top of the list of mortality
 causes to 2020». She also had a position of a co-chairperson at the symposium «Up-to-date issues of population cardiology» and was a member of commission at the poster presentations competition.