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Features of Biochemical Parameters of Blood Serum in Patients with Stable Angina and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

01 сент сентября 2018

Background: The study of a wide panel of vascular inflammatory markers is required to clarify the nature of the relationship between the pathogenetic mechanisms of coronary artery disease (CAD) and type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Introduction The incidence of diabetes mellitus (DM) doubles every 10-15 years, acquiring the character of a non-infectious epidemic. At the same time, the real rates of increase in morbidity far outstrip even the most depressing predictions of statisticians. According to the latest data, the number of patients with diabetes in the world by the end of 2014 reached 387 million people.

 According to the State Register of patients with diabetes, as of January 1, 2015, there were 4.1 million cases registered in Russia, of which the number of patients with type 2 diabetes was 3.7 million [1]. By 2030, the number of patients with diabetes is expected to increase to 438.7 million, which is 7.7% of the adult population [2,3]. SD is a powerful factor in the development and progression of cardiovascular pathology. Development of diabetes increases the risk of cardiovascular mortality by 2 times in men and 4 times in women, which determines these patients in the category of high and very high cardiovascular risk [4].

Despite intensive studies of atherosclerosis associated with DM, the mechanisms of the close relationship between diabetes and CAD are not yet fully indicated; as a result, the search for other causes that accelerate and aggravate the development of atherosclerotic vascular lesions and complications when combined with clinical conditions has been extensively conducted. [5,6] Nowadays there is no doubt that in the pathogenesis of vascular lesions in atherosclerosis the important role play factors of inflammation and procoagulants circulating in blood. The role of chronic inflammatory process is under active discussion [7-10].

Aim To conduct comparative analysis of lipid profile and markers of vascular inflammatory reaction in patients with CAD, stable angina, without and together with DM 2 type.


ЦЕЛИ: Предварительный анализ выявил степень, в которой алирокумаб уменьшал общие (первые и последующие) нефатальные сердечно-сосудистые события и смертность от всех причин в исходах ODYSSEY.

23 июля 2020

BACKGROUND:After ACS, alirocumab added to intensive stain therapy favourably impacted on Type l and 2 MIs.

14 февраля 2020