Адреса и телефон

One with normal blood pressure will have the best rest!

30 Jun Jun 2014

Sea, sun, summer… You wish to run away fr om dismal workaday life and come back with renewed vigor. However, former travelers often find themselves seeking for medical help on their return. And there is no secret why does it happen so. Long flights, climate change and we ourselves are guilty of our health problems. To have a really nice holiday you should visit your doctor beforehand. Especially if you are over 35 years old and you have arterial hypertension. Cardiologist Nina Shurkevich, MD, Senior Research Associate of the Department of Arterial Hypertension and Coronary Insufficiency told of the main risk factors.

Risk factor: flight.Each of you has probably experienced such flights, after which you feel exhausted for a long time even if your holiday was great. And if you have high blood pressure, take your flight seriously. Sharp take-offs and landings, air pockets may play a cruel joke on you. Of course, there is usually a first-aid kit on board, but it is much better if you have all necessary medications with you and you know exactly what to do if you suddenly feel unwell. One more advice: people with varicose veins should bandage their legs before flight – sitting too long in one place does not contribute to normal blood flow.

Risk factor: climate change.A regular tour lasts from one to two weeks, and half of this time our body has to adjust, to acclimatize. Only 20% of people quickly adapt to new conditions, the rest have strength only to sleep, eat and complain of malaise. By the way, the most difficult acclimatization runs when a person travels from the temperate climate in hot places with high humidity. Abrupt climate change impairs the immune system, making the body more vulnerable to infections, increases the risk of exacerbations. Any chronic illness, any latent infection in the body can wake up and become evident. First of all, it concerns people with gastrointestinal and cardiovascular problems.

Risk factor: heat.Individual ability of each person to adapt to high temperatures, as well as his/her state of cardiovascular system is not of the least importance. Hot weather increases your heart rate and load on the heart, a number of changes occur in the cardiac muscle too. Those who suffer from coronary heart disease and arterial hypertension should be especially careful, as they have an increased risk to get exacerbation of their disease, and even heart attack.

Risk factor: sun.Along with heat, direct sunlight can cause hyperthermia. Try to lim it sunbathing, be sure to wear hats and drink more (pure or mineral water, juice). Generally, water is your best friend on vacation. Swimming tones muscles, including the cardiac, strengthens the body, helps to keep weight at a healthy level, reduces the risk of exacerbations, and seawater, moreover, has a beneficial effect on the skin.

And now for the good news. Even if you have arterial hypertension and you are over 35 years old, it does not mean that you need to forgo the pleasure! Not at all. You only need to take precautionary measures, and the first of them is to visit a cardiologist. Prior to the trip. The second thing to remember is self-control. If you feel that the sun is hot – move away into the shadows. If you are tired – take a rest. Ultimately, you're on vacation, not in the army. If you need to take medicine, do not forget to do it. You should constantly measure your blood pressure, therefore, buy a wrist blood pressure monitor. Swim, sunbathe, enjoy the warm weather and interesting excursions without overstraining the heart.

And it will reward you with long-lasting good work!

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